Shredded Junk Mail Necklace
Extract from The Naughty Secretary Club: The Working Girl's Guide to Handmade Jewelry • By Jennifer Perkins • Published by F+W MediaAbout
Jewelry as environmentally conscious ad it is fashionable - does life get any better?
Reach into the office shredder for a handful of color, and hit your craft stash for some felt. Now decoupage the paper onto wooden beads and cut the felt, and you are on your way to a unique one-of-a-kind necklace.
Brittany B. favorited Shredded Junk Mail Necklace 28 Mar 15:14
dippydiscoball added Shredded Junk Mail Necklace to maybe one day 06 May 03:11
GiftedDiva24 added Shredded Junk Mail Necklace to Diy Jewelry 28 Mar 15:18
GiftedDiva24 favorited Shredded Junk Mail Necklace 28 Mar 15:17
kelley.ash.35 favorited Shredded Junk Mail Necklace 21 Feb 06:11
Peggy C. favorited Shredded Junk Mail Necklace 26 Jan 16:23
Cricket V. favorited Shredded Junk Mail Necklace 10 Jan 10:26
arina m. favorited Shredded Junk Mail Necklace 07 Jan 22:55
Alecia B. favorited Shredded Junk Mail Necklace 01 Aug 16:57
Kathy S. favorited Shredded Junk Mail Necklace 07 Jul 18:40
You Will Need
Step 1
<b>Cover beads with shredded paper</b>
Shred junk mail (or colorful magazines) and adhere the paper shreds to each wooden bead with decoupage medium, overlapping the pieces of paper until each bead is covered entirely. Allow the covered beads to dry completely. Once the beads are dry, give them at least 2 coats of clear spray paint. Allow the paint to dry completely. Use your drill with a bit the size of your bead hole to poke through the paper covering each bead hope. Repeat with all your beads. -
Step 3
<b>String the necklace</b>
Attach one end of a length of stringing wire to a crimp bead. Thread the free end of the wire onto a sewing needle, and string the necklace in the following sequence: red seed bead, black-and-white polka-dotted bead, red bead, felt square. Simply bring the needle through the center of the felt squares to string them. Repeat the sequence 11 more times, ending with a black-and-white bead. Then thread on 7 decoupaged beads, alternating with black-and-white beads. Repeat the sequence from the first side, beginning with a black-and-white bead. Finish the necklace by attaching the free end of the wire to a clasp with a crimp bead. Link the other clasp component to the other end of the wire a jump ring.
CO + K User
This is soo cute I wish I could do it right now !!