great way to use scraps of fabric that are too small!!!
i made this out of some little pieces of old tshirts i hade left for reconing them!!!!
pixiemite added Scrap Fabric Wrap Bracelet to Wristbands 02 Aug 15:28
pixiemite favorited Scrap Fabric Wrap Bracelet 31 Jul 13:48
KirasDebut added Scrap Fabric Wrap Bracelet to bracelets 28 Jul 18:14
Step 1
find 3 different colored long peices of scrap fabric. jersey like fabrics are best cus the stretch helps when you go to wrap it around your wrist.
Step 2
clip together with binder clip and braid.
Step 3
clip the 2 ends together and sew securly together with the needle and thread and TA DAAAAAAA a simple and chic way to use up those scraps!!!!

Orlando, Florida, US
5 projects
xD omg! i just posted a tutorial just like this, i didnt even know there was already one done! to be honest, i kinda like how yours turned out better then mines. (:

Providence, Rhode Island, US
8 projects
yup juswt braid them together and sew the 2 ends together just make sure that the 3 strands of fabric are the same type the three in the pic are jersey knit i like using that cus its stretchy

so how do u make do u make it? do u just braid three strands of long scraps.. or bandana, would that work??

Providence, Rhode Island, US
8 projects
meeeeee tooooo tibbys clothes rocked in that movie!!!! plus the movie was ammmmmazing!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sarah S.
Georgia, Vermont, US
i was gonna do that but never got around 2 it :d i got the idea from sisterhood of the traveling pants 2

16 projects
that realy cool