Cut Out + Keep

Sakura Pasties

Fimo Sakura Pasties for my Burlesque dancing friend. • Posted by Vickidee

Unfortunately I made these about 3 years ago and can't quite remember every detail so no How To I'm afraid. I do remember I needed a large flower shaped cookie cutter, a tiny 5 pointed star shaped icing cutter, a fake breast (made out of a circle of leatherette, slit down the radius then sewn together with about a centimetre overlap) and a not-quite-heart shaped stencil, but a teadrop shaped cutter would probably do the trick. If you have a go at these for an actual burlesque dancer (rather than a present for your other half) please don't forget that these are held on by tape so DON'T MAKE THEM TOO HEAVY!!! They will fly off after a good shimmying if they aren't light enough. I recommend about the 3rd setting from the bottom on a pasta machine for the petals and maybe a 5 for the base. These were one pair among many that I made but these were my favourites, my mate looked awesome in them too.

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


1 h 30


Medium pasties


Unfortunately I made these about 3 years ago and can't quite remember every detail so no How To I'm afraid. I do remember I needed a large flower shaped cookie cutter, a tiny 5 pointed star shaped icing cutter, a fake breast (made out of a circle of leatherette, slit down the radius then sewn together with about a centimetre overlap) and a not-quite-heart shaped stencil, but a teadrop shaped cutter would probably do the trick. If you have a go at these for an actual burlesque dancer (rather than a present for your other half) please don't forget that these are held on by tape so DON'T MAKE THEM TOO HEAVY!!! They will fly off after a good shimmying if they aren't light enough. I recommend about the 3rd setting from the bottom on a pasta machine for the petals and maybe a 5 for the base. These were one pair among many that I made but these were my favourites, my mate looked awesome in them too.
