Cut Out + Keep

S Initial Clutch Purse

bright and cheerful crochet S initial clutch purse • Posted by VaNNaBaBy

i just crocheted a long retangle using single crochet stitch, folded it in half and stitched up the sides. i crocheted the flower 'S' and sewed that on. then lined the inside with some fabric i had laying around and added a zipper :) i think it turned out cute!

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Project Budget


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium purse2 1264671147 Medium purse 1264671158


i just crocheted a long retangle using single crochet stitch, folded it in half and stitched up the sides. i crocheted the flower 'S' and sewed that on. then lined the inside with some fabric i had laying around and added a zipper :) i think it turned out cute!
