Cut Out + Keep

Rooster And Hen

Farmyard Knits • Posted by Andrews McMeel

Strutting about, shaking their tail feathers—and usually making something of a din—hens and roosters are some of the most striking creatures in the farmyard. They are knitted here in some fairly traditional hues, but the color choices are up to you. And if your fingers are feeling nimble, don’t forget to complete your loving couple by knitting them a few tiny eggs.

You will need

Project Budget


3 h 00


Medium 31hens Medium 30rooster


Strutting about, shaking their tail feathers—and usually making something of a din—hens and roosters are some of the most striking creatures in the farmyard. They are knitted here in some fairly traditional hues, but the color choices are up to you. And if your fingers are feeling nimble, don’t forget to complete your loving couple by knitting them a few tiny eggs.


  1. Doll (for both) Body and Head Side 1 Make 1 ◊ Using size U.S. 2/3 (3 mm) needles, cast on 4 sts in rust (white). ◊ First row: Inc1, K1, inc1, K1. (6 sts) ◊ Next row: P. ◊ Next row: [Inc1] twice, K1, [inc1] twice, K1. (10 sts) ◊ Next row: P. ◊ Next row: [Inc1] twice, K5, [inc1] twice, K1. (14 sts) ◊ Next row: P. ◊ Next row: Inc1, K to end. (15 sts) ◊ Next row: P. ◊ Rep last 2 rows 2 more times. (17 sts) ◊ Next row: Bind off 9 sts pwise, K to end. (8 sts) ◊ Next row: P. ◊ For rooster only: Break rust yarn and join black yarn. ◊ Rooster and hen next row: K1, k2tog, K to end. (7 sts) ◊ Next row: P. ◊ Rep last 2 rows 1 more time. (6 sts) ◊ Next row: K1, k2tog, ssk, K1. (4 sts) ◊ Next row: [P2tog] twice. (2 sts) ◊ Next row: K2tog. (1 st) ◊ Break yarn and pull it through rem st.

  2. Side 2 Make 1 ◊ Using size U.S. 2/3 (3 mm) needles, cast on 4 sts in rust (white). ◊ First row: Inc1, K1, inc1, K1. (6 sts) ◊ Next row: P. ◊ Next row: [Inc1] twice, K1, [inc1] twice, K1. (10 sts) ◊ Next row: P. ◊ Next row: [Inc1] twice, K5, [inc1] twice, K1. (14 sts) ◊ Next row: P. ◊ Next row: K to last 2 sts, inc1, K1. (15 sts) ◊ Next row: P. ◊ Rep last 2 rows 2 more times. (17 sts) ◊ Next row: K. ◊ Next row: Bind off 9 sts kwise, P to end. (8 sts) ◊ For rooster only: Break rust yarn and join black yarn. ◊ Rooster and hen next row: K to last 3 sts, ssk, K1. (7 sts) ◊ Next row: P. ◊ Rep last 2 rows 1 more time. (6 sts) ◊ Next row: K1, k2tog, ssk, K1. (4 sts) ◊ Next row: [P2tog] twice. (2 sts) ◊ Next row: K2tog. (1 st) ◊ Break yarn and pull it through rem st.

  3. Wings Make 2 ◊ Using size U.S. 2/3 (3 mm) needles, cast on 4 sts in rust (white). ◊ Work 6 rows in st st, beg with a K row. ◊ Next row: K2tog, ssk. (2 sts) ◊ Next row: P2tog. (1 st) ◊ Break yarn and pull it through rem st.

  4. Tail Feathers Make 1 set ◊ For the rooster, cut five 43⁄4-inch (12-cm) lengths of black yarn and four lengths of rust yarn. ◊ For the hen, cut seven 43⁄4-inch (12-cm) lengths of white yarn and two lengths of dark gray yarn. ◊ Gather together and secure around the middle with a length of matching yarn.

  5. Comb Make 1 ◊ Separate a length of red yarn into two strands. ◊ Using size U.S. 1 (2.25 mm) needles, cast on 4 sts in one strand of red yarn. ◊ First row: Bind off 2 sts (1 st on RH needle), K1. (2 sts) ◊ Next row: K. ◊ Next row: Cast on 2 sts, bind off 2 sts (1 st on RH needle), K1. (2 sts) ◊ Next row: K. ◊ Next row: Cast on 2 sts, bind off all rem sts.

  6. Making Up With the two body sides RS together, whipstitch around each bird, leaving the bottom open for turning and stuffing. Turn the birds RS out, stuff, and then sew the gap closed. For the rooster, using a split length of black yarn, make a number of vertical straight stitches just below the bottom of the black neck, using the photograph as a guide. Secure the wings by whipstitching the top and bottom of the front part of the wing to the body; the outer edges of the wings should be free. Sew each comb in place on top of the head. Using a split length of red yarn, make two small loops just below the beaks for the wattles. Dampen the tail feather yarns and separate some of the strands. Secure at the tail end of each bird and trim the strands. Split a length of black yarn into two strands and use these to make two French knots for the eyes. Split a short length of cream yarn into two strands and use these to make a circle of chain stitch around the eyes of the rooster. Do the same for the hen, using a short length of beige yarn. Using a single separated strand of black yarn, make three straight lines above the hen’s eyes to represent eyelashes. Using a separated length of orange yarn, make a French knot for the beak, winding the yarn three times around the needle instead of twice.

  7. Eggs Make 3, each in a different shade of beige Separate a length of beige yarn into two strands. ◊ Using size U.S. 1 (2.25 mm) needles, cast on 3 sts in one strand of beige yarn. ◊ First row: [Inc1] 3 times. [6 sts] ◊ Next and every WS row: P. ◊ Next RS row: [Inc1] 6 times. [12 sts] ◊ Next RS row: K. ◊ Next RS row: K2tog, K3, k2tog, K3, ssk. [9 sts] ◊ Next RS row: [K2tog] twice, K1, [ssk] twice. [5 sts] ◊ Next RS row: K2tog, K1, ssk. [3 sts] ◊ Break yarn and thread it through rem sts.

  8. Making Up Fold the piece lengthwise with RS together, and whipstitch halfway up the main seam. Turn the piece RS out and stuff lightly. Finish sewing the seam, using mattress stitch.