Cut Out + Keep

Rolled Paper Guitar

Rock N' Roll • Posted by Lolalypop

(Before I start, I'll excuse myself for all the mistakes or sentences that don't make sense, I use to speak french) Well... I felt sorry that I had to throw away all my school books... so this summer I decided to recycle them all. It is very easy but it's long and repetitive. (Goes faster when you're listening to good music ;) ) Btw, you can even do it with toilet paper rolls.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


7 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 110378 2f2015 08 11 185409 guitar%2b4


(Before I start, I'll excuse myself for all the mistakes or sentences that don't make sense, I use to speak french) Well... I felt sorry that I had to throw away all my school books... so this summer I decided to recycle them all. It is very easy but it's long and repetitive. (Goes faster when you're listening to good music ;) ) Btw, you can even do it with toilet paper rolls.


  1. Small 110378 2f2015 08 11 184309 dsc 0001

    Make a sort of plan of what you want to do whatever it is: characters, flowers, I don't know. Mine is a guitar.

  2. Small 110378 2f2015 08 11 185221 guitar%2b1

    Roll the paper to make it about 1 inch of diameter and put 3 small pieces of scotch tape in the middle and the edges. Roll again. (Hint: Roll up one than take it as model to roll the others over it.) Start cutting the rolls to make them look like what you want to have.

  3. Small 110378 2f2015 08 11 185229 guitar%2b2

    When all your rolls are done and cutted, paint them or draw on them. (Hint: As on the picture, if you paint them, put the rolls on a cord. Way much easier.) Let them dry.

  4. Small 110378 2f2015 08 11 185248 dsc 0002

    Now it's time to sew the rolls. Take a big big needle with sewing thread of your choice and start sewing in the middle of your rolls. After the middle is sewed up, sew each side. Don't be afraid to tight up the rolls, they have to be tight if you don't want your project to be loose, obviously...

  5. Small 110378 2f2015 08 11 185355 guitar%2b4

    At the end, it looked like this, it's the same size as a real guitar. This project gave me a lot of trouble, I didn't know how to make the rolls hold together but finally this technique seems to work. Hope you enjoyed it ;) (Send me pictures of yours if you want!)