Cut Out + Keep

Raspberry Meringues

Raspberry meringues always seem to have the wow factor! • Posted by Ryland Peters & Small

Raspberry meringues always seem to have the wow factor – little puffy clouds of sugar coloured brightly in red. Here’s how you make them – crispy outside and gooey inside. Absolutely irresistible, they are the perfect confection for afternoon tea. If you like purple, blackcurrant purée will do the trick as well. makes about 40

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Project Budget


0 h 20


Medium raspmeringue


Raspberry meringues always seem to have the wow factor – little puffy clouds of sugar coloured brightly in red. Here’s how you make them – crispy outside and gooey inside. Absolutely irresistible, they are the perfect confection for afternoon tea. If you like purple, blackcurrant purée will do the trick as well. makes about 40 Tea with Bea, Ryland Peters & Small, photography by Kate Whitaker


  1. Preheat the oven to 110?C (215?F) Gas 1?2.

  2. Pour water into a large saucepan until one third full and heat to simmering point over medium–low heat.

  3. Put the egg whites and sugar in a wide, shallow metal bowl and lightly mix to combine. Sit the bowl over the pan of simmering water (making sure that the bottom of the bowl doesn’t touch the water) and let the mixture heat up until it is warm to the touch and the sugar has dissolved. Stir occasionally.

  4. Remove from the heat and whisk with an electric whisk until glossy and stiff peaks are reached.

  5. Dot a bit of the mixture in each corner of the baking sheets and stick the parchment paper to it. Using 2 tablespoons, scoop the mixture into golf-ball sized meringues onto the prepared baking sheets.

  6. Bake in the preheated oven for 50–60 minutes until firm. Remove the meringues from the oven. Using a pastry brush, paint raspberry coulis onto the meringues and put back into the oven to bake until the coulis has turned a darker, more purpley colour and the meringue is dry to the touch. The coulis can feel slightly sticky.

  7. Remove from the oven and let cool. Remove from the parchment paper and store in an airtight container for up to 1 week.

  8. Variations Plain meringues: add the seeds from 1?2 vanilla pod to the egg whites and sugar before heating. Other flavours: dust cocoa powder or sprinkle crushed pistachios or desiccated coconut over the meringues just before baking.