Cut Out + Keep

Rainbow Pastel Camera Pouch

don´t mistook it for your real camera! :D • Posted by judithchen

I originally use the tutorial found here: However I did make my own adjustments, and this is what I will write below. This pouch is so fun to make! Most pouches nowadays are pretty expensive when they´re cute so I decided to make it myself.

You will need

Project Budget


7 h 00


Medium 108324 2f2015 04 02 075812 20150402 030013


I originally use the tutorial found here: However I did make my own adjustments, and this is what I will write below. This pouch is so fun to make! Most pouches nowadays are pretty expensive when they´re cute so I decided to make it myself.


  1. I basically use the pattern and modify it. The pattern starts with 22 chains, I use 40. My crochet hook is 3 mm and my yarn is standard size (in here its like that, unlike in America where most yarn has sizes. mine fits perfectly to my hook which is why I only have one hook) So I use 40 stitches as base and create a thick oval about 1" because I need a lot of space for my stuffs. This pouch works well as a bag organizer and this is actually my intention to make it. The trick is basically going around the base with single stitches while adding 2-3 stitches on the corner (see video on how it works)

  2. Instead of single stitches I use dc (double crochet) since it will take forever for my small needle and yarn to make a big pouch. After the oval based shape is done I continue with 1 round single stitch and then 12 rounds dc. Then I switch to the rainbow yarn, and make 4 more round dc. then I finish with slip stitches

  3. So, in sum here is what I did: Base: around 4-5 rounds (this really doesn´t matter, it depends on how thick you want it to be) st around 12 rounds dc with cream yarn 4 rounds dc with rainbow yarn slip stitch around

  4. For the lens its exactly the same like in the video. create a circle with a black yarn, as big as you like. then use double yarn of the cream color with hdc around the piece

  5. For the square grey piece on where you normally peek to take pics, I principally use a tutorial for granny squares hover there, it has pics so its easier to see I use 3 chain in the MR 7 dc around the rest is the same with the pictures, I only replace the treble crochet on the corner with dc and the dc with hdc