Cut Out + Keep

Quick Gift Sweets

Fast gifts for the unexpected guests! • Posted by GreenLeaf

Quick and simple to make, do need time to cool before you pack or wrap them. My first plate was delivered to our cat sanctuuary and was devoured very quickly.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 25


Pretty Easy
Medium giftsw 1261659185 Medium pudsw 1261647108


Quick and simple to make, do need time to cool before you pack or wrap them. My first plate was delivered to our cat sanctuuary and was devoured very quickly.


  1. Small psw1 1261658800

    Place the margarine into a pan and put on a low heat until melted, stir in coffee & vanilla essence. While you wait Sieve icing sugar and cocoa powder into a bowl.

  2. Small psw5 1261658871

    Add the margarine to the icing sugar and cocoa and mix well. Now mix in your biscuit crumbs until coated.

  3. Small psw12 1261658950

    Place a teaspoon of mixture into the palm of you hand and roll into a ball, place into a mini case Repeat until mixture is used up.

  4. Small psw14 1261659017

    Put in the fridge to cool. Place 4tbsp icing sugar into a small bowl adding a little water at a time until you make a thick dropping consistency.

  5. Small psw17 1261659100

    take the puddings out of the fridge and drizzle a little icing ontop of each one. Now add a small piece of cherry on top. Leave to set before wrapping.