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to hold craft stuff
a giant box to store my craft stuff, made out of jumbo popsicle sticks. i meant to paint it but never got the time

Posted by Lyra Rose from San Diego, California, United States • Published See Lyra Rose's 8 projects »

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Lyra Rose
Lyra Rose · San Diego, California, US · 8 projects
nevermind i take that back about the how to sorry

well you'll have to glue the popsicle sticks (in a lincoln log way) int the shape of an octogon onto stiff cardboard. then cut out with a knife. from there keep stacking them with glue (i just used the clear purple elmers glue we had lying around) until it's about 4 or 5 in. tall (or however tall you want). Then start to gradually work your way in. Then, to make the lid: keep stacking for a few rows, skipping that first row of gluing (you don't need to have it glued on) gradually working your way into the centre even more. Soon it will look like a square and then from there play around with it and make any shape you want or put a block of wood on it to act as a handle
Lyra Rose
Lyra Rose · San Diego, California, US · 8 projects
1. i will post a how to right now
2. warning: it is very time consuming and i used GIANT popsicle sticks, but i had nothing better to do to be honest.
3. i don't see how it's asian looking?
angy s.
angy s.
do you have a how to? my 7 year old wants to make one.
PIN-UP ^alex^
PIN-UP ^alex^ · 20 projects
this looks so time consumming, but i bet it was so satisfiying when you finally finished!
you did a great job,very asian culture looking Happy

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