Cut Out + Keep

Pokemon Earrings

Two pairs of pokemon earrings. look great together • Posted by Melvin

I have my ears peirced twice and recently bought a pair of pikachu earrings. I didnt know what to wear in the other hole with them though, so i made some pokeball studs. I also have lots of little toy pokemon, that are just a few cm tall, so I got dad to drill holes in them and i added hooks to make another pair of pokemon earrings. the pics are a bit dodgy, because my camera isnt the best.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium stuff 137 1264372275 Medium stuff 148 1264381529


I have my ears peirced twice and recently bought a pair of pikachu earrings. I didnt know what to wear in the other hole with them though, so i made some pokeball studs. I also have lots of little toy pokemon, that are just a few cm tall, so I got dad to drill holes in them and i added hooks to make another pair of pokemon earrings. the pics are a bit dodgy, because my camera isnt the best.
