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Pleated Mini Skirt!

Based on Pleated Mini Skirt! by Laura N. • Posted by Karlie S.

I loved the skirt, and had a nice colored fabric. I made mine longer and the pleats wider and even. Sorry about the quality of the pics. Lots of compliments on the skirt! recommend it. Easy to make too ( I also added a bow ^_^)

You will need


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 298448 10150300200974433 722879432 7472338 8040215 n 1313872147


I loved the skirt, and had a nice colored fabric. I made mine longer and the pleats wider and even. Sorry about the quality of the pics. Lots of compliments on the skirt! recommend it. Easy to make too ( I also added a bow ^_^)
