Cut Out + Keep

Plaited Necklace

Braid it up! • Posted by Tanis G.

Need a project for some stash yarn that doesn't require knitting needles? Try this plaited necklace! If you were that kid in third grade always braiding the other girl's hair, this is the project for you!

You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium plaited necklace2 Medium plaited necklace1


Need a project for some stash yarn that doesn't require knitting needles? Try this plaited necklace! If you were that kid in third grade always braiding the other girl's hair, this is the project for you!


  1. Wind each hank into 3 even balls (if you have a yarn or kitchen scale, this is the perfect time to use it)

  2. With 1 ball of each of the four colors, tie the ends in a knot and anchor them to a strong object (staircase, chair, doorknob, etc)

  3. Begin the four-stranded braid by dividing yarns in half - two strands on each side. Always bring the outermost strand to the center (for more help, watch this video: ***NOTE*** Yarn will tangle easily. Get a friend to stand behind you and untangle as you go, or stop every few feet and untangle yourself

  4. Braid until end of yarn is reached

  5. Repeat for 2 additional braids - 3 braids total

  6. Connect ends of braids by winding extra yarn tightly around ends and trapping them together, using tapestry needle to tuck in ends

  7. Weave in any loose ends with tapestry needle

  8. Wrap around neck for desired look