Cut Out + Keep

Pink Silk Skirt

Soft Pink Silk Skirt With A Little Petticoat • Posted by

I found a beautiful pink Victorian-style silk dress with a sewn in tulle petticoat at a garage sale, and just HAD to have it. It (unfortunately) fit dreamily everywhere except on my bust, and was too long for me. I cut off the bodice and about 8-12 inches of fabric, made a new waistband, and kept the ties that had been on the sides of the bodice, which tie neatly in the back.

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Project Budget


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium photo 37 1298520163 Medium photo 38 1298520174


I found a beautiful pink Victorian-style silk dress with a sewn in tulle petticoat at a garage sale, and just HAD to have it. It (unfortunately) fit dreamily everywhere except on my bust, and was too long for me. I cut off the bodice and about 8-12 inches of fabric, made a new waistband, and kept the ties that had been on the sides of the bodice, which tie neatly in the back.
