Cut Out + Keep

Pin Cushion Bracelet

Keep your pins on hand with a pin cushion bracelet. • Posted by Cat Morley

You will need

Project Budget


0 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium bracelet



  1. Small 1633

    Find a nice sized bottle cap.

  2. Small 1634

    Cut out a large circle of fabric, about 4 times the size of the bottle cap.

  3. Small 1635

    Find / cut a suitable sized ball of foam.

  4. Small 1636

    Wrap the circle of fabric around the foam, folding over and pining each of the corners.

  5. Small 1637

    Take a needle and thread and sew the corners in to meet in the middle.

  6. Small 1638

    Take some strong adhesive glue and glue the edges and base of the bottle cap. Place the fabric ball in the cap and leave to dry.

  7. Small 1639

    Cut a strip of vinyl long enough to fit around your wrist and glue the cap on top, leave to dry.

  8. Small 1640

    Take some snaps and punch in to either end. You're ready to get pinning.