Cut Out + Keep

Pimp My Heels

Heels, revamp shoes • Posted by Ophelia

I had those white heels with black ribbon, they were so comfortable and beautiful! But white heels draw too much attention for me. So, ta-dah! Paint them grey!

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Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 30


Nice & Simple
Medium dsc00378 Medium dsc00340


I had those white heels with black ribbon, they were so comfortable and beautiful! But white heels draw too much attention for me. So, ta-dah! Paint them grey!


  1. Small dsc00340

    You will need a pair of shoes (hahah pretty much obviously). Mine were old but in good condition. First, I removed the black ribbon.

  2. Small dsc00341

    (This step is only for old shoes.) Now, if the shoes are old and you wore them they will be a little dirty, so clean them, then fix any eventual damage (I simply used vinyl glue) and wait a few minutes to let it dry.

  3. Small dsc00342

    Okay, it's time to take your brush and paint the shoes! I choose to make my heels grey. It's important to protect the interior side of the shoes (use some paper). Don't paint the back and the heel! Let them dry (i left my shoes outside as it was windy and they got dry in a few minutes. Your hairdryer could help you too :P) Then repeat this step once again!

  4. Small dsc00345

    Once the grey paint is completely dry, you can go and paint the back and the heels of the shoes. Repeat the previous step: let it dry well and then paint it again, so you will cover all the imperfections of the shoes.

  5. Small dsc00346

    The result should be something like this. Now begins the hardest part of our work: draw the desing of the plack spot with a pencil, so later will be easier to paint it with the brush

  6. Small dsc00348

    This is the black spot I meant. I don't know how to call it...anyway here it is! :P once you painted it let the shoes dry very well, than give a hand of transparent varnish. This is very important as it protects your shoes and the acrilic paint. It is essencial for your shoes to have a certain flexibility (to enable you to walk without making your feets bleed O.O) so it's important the kind of varnish you will use.

  7. Small dsc00378

    This is the final result :D