Cut Out + Keep

Phantom Of The Opera Tshirt

The Phantom of The Opera is on my tshirt... • Posted by Pirate Moose

I made this t-shirt to wear when I went to see the stage show (which was fantastic by the way :-)! ). The time I say that it takes to make, really depends on your sewing skills - it took me ages because I'm really slow at hand sewing, but it may take you more or less time. Hope you like it!

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5 h 00


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I made this t-shirt to wear when I went to see the stage show (which was fantastic by the way :-)! ). The time I say that it takes to make, really depends on your sewing skills - it took me ages because I'm really slow at hand sewing, but it may take you more or less time. Hope you like it!


  1. Firstly, decide what you want to say on your t-shirt. I was originally going for the whole phrase (The Phantom of the Opera is inside my head...) but after the time it took me to do one word, I decided against it!

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    Cut out the design in paper and position them on your t-shirt until you are happy with the layout.

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    Next, iron some backing onto the material and trace the design on to it - making sure that letters are reversed. Then pin onto your t-shirt.

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    Now for the sewing! Using backstitch, sew around each letter leaving a slight margin in case your fabric is prone to fraying. As my t-shirt was a stretchy material, I found that using an embroidery hoop helped to keep the fabric taunt and easier to sew.

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    Two and a half hours later...

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    The rose and mask are next. It's not easy to tell from the photo but I did tiny stitching to outline the petals and leaf veins - it's best to do this before sewing them on to the t-shirt.

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    Once you've finished sewing, trim off any stray threads or fraying fabric and volia! A t-shirt the Phantom would be proud off! (Hope that all made sense!)