Cut Out + Keep

Mellow Yellow, Lace Slip Skirt (With Heart Pocket)

Made from fabric scraps • Posted by Chocolate

I had a scrap piece of mellow yellow fabric, so I used that and a scrap of lace to make a simple skirt (I shall name her Josephine!). Yep, it has a heart pocket :3 I posted even more photos on my blog to avoid spamming here.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium yellow skirt 8 small 1276688808 Medium yellow skirt 9 small 1276688794 Medium yellow skirt 7 small 1276688818 Medium yellow skirt 4 small 1276688841 Medium yellow skirt 6 small 1276688852 Medium yellow skirt 10 small 1276688860


I had a scrap piece of mellow yellow fabric, so I used that and a scrap of lace to make a simple skirt (I shall name her Josephine!). Yep, it has a heart pocket :3 I posted even more photos on my blog to avoid spamming here.
