Cut Out + Keep

Maria Hat

Maria Hat from Hats On Head. • Posted by Trond Anfinnsen

Maria is a colorful person, both inside and out. She is probably the dandiest hairdresser in southern Norway. Together with a friend, she runs a salon that feels more suited to London or New York than the little town of Sandnes where she lives. Maris has strong opinions, as well as a sharp, quick tongue; having discussions with her can be lots of fun because you have to keep on your toes. Maria loves to dress in bright colors, so for her hat, I used red for her passionate nature, and pink for her dandiness. <b>Gauge</b> 24 stitches = 4 inches (10cm)

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


5 h 00


Medium screen shot 2010 04 29 at 17.24.12 1272558281 Medium screen shot 2010 04 29 at 17.47.48 1272559685


Maria is a colorful person, both inside and out. She is probably the dandiest hairdresser in southern Norway. Together with a friend, she runs a salon that feels more suited to London or New York than the little town of Sandnes where she lives. Maris has strong opinions, as well as a sharp, quick tongue; having discussions with her can be lots of fun because you have to keep on your toes. Maria loves to dress in bright colors, so for her hat, I used red for her passionate nature, and pink for her dandiness. <b>Gauge</b> 24 stitches = 4 inches (10cm)


  1. With A and smaller needle, cast on 96 stitches. Place marker and join to knit in the round, being careful not to twist work.

  2. Work 8-stitch repeat of chart, rows 1 through 18, changing color as shown.

  3. Repeat rounds 1-9 one more time, completing 3 black-and-white stripes.

  4. Work 5 rounds as follows: *Knit 4 in B, knit 4 in A* repeating between *s.

  5. Work 5 rounds as follows: *Knit 4 in A, knit 4 in B* repeating between *s.

  6. Work 5 rounds as follows: *Knit 4 in B, knit 4 in A* repeating between *s.

  7. Begin decreasing as follows (Note: All decreases will occur in sections using Color B until these stitches are "used up".)

  8. Decrease round 1: *Knit 4 in A, knit 1 in B, k2tog in B, knit 1 in B* repeating between *s to end of round.

  9. Next round *Knit 5 in A, knit 3 in B,* repeating between *s to end of round.

  10. Decrease round 2: *Knit 4 in A, knit 1 in B, k2tog in B,* repeating between *s to end of round.

  11. Next round: *Knit 4 in A, knit 2 in B,* repeating between *s to end of round.

  12. Decrease round 3: *Knit 4 in A, k2tog in B,* repeating between *s to end of round.

  13. Next round: *Knit 4 in A, knit 1 in B,* repeating between *s to end of round.

  14. Decrease round 4: *Continuing with A only, knit 3, k2tog,* repeat between *s to end of round.

  15. Decrease round 5: *Knit 2, k2tog,* repeat between *s to end of round.

  16. Decease round 6: *Knit 1, k2tog,* repeat between *s to end of round.

  17. Decrease round 7: *K2tog,* repeat between *s to end of round.

  18. Cut working yarn, leaving 8-inch (20cm) tail. Using yarn needle, thread tail through remaining stitches, pulling tight to close top of hat. Weave in ends to finish.