Make ATCs (Artist Trading Cards) or fun fabric postcards for any occasion - let them know you're crafty and funky! ^-^
I've made those (they were my first!) for an ATC swap with a "skull and crossbones" theme.
Thanks to my friend Kristin, who encouraged me to go ahead and give them a try!
Miss_Fit favorited Make An Atc Or A Fabric Postcard 08 Jul 02:14
Conner W. added Make An Atc Or A Fabric Postcard to craft ideas 12 Jul 20:11
Conner W. favorited Make An Atc Or A Fabric Postcard 12 Jul 20:10
Misato M. favorited Make An Atc Or A Fabric Postcard 19 Jun 11:38
Miss_Fit added Make An Atc Or A Fabric Postcard to Fun Little Bits 08 May 00:33
Step 1
From fast-2-fuse or timtex, cut 2.5" x 3.5" rectangles.
This is the size ATCs usually have.
Of course your postcards can be any measurement you like.
You may also purchase pre-cut fabric postcard interfacing - in this case, skip this step ;)Side note: I've tried both interlinings, and for certain reasons I liked the fast-2-fuse better, but you may try yourself and find your fave.
Step 7
Iron your ATC´s front to fast-2-fuse as indicated. The fast-2-fuse comes complete with instructions, so you just have to follow these.
Cut back woolfelt to finished size.
Iron ATC to uncut backside fabric (I suggest a white cotton if you plan to write on it later), cut backside fabric to finished size.
There's no need to take care of the grainline...
I like the cute skulls.
Skulls <3
I think I might make something like that but as a patch for a bag because thats kinda what they look like!