Cut Out + Keep

Make Your Own Polaroid Pictures

Turn normal photos into polaroids • Posted by Days

I got this idea through this site: and here is how I made my own. I have just hollowed out an old book, and finally I have a useful purpose for the leftover pages. Right now I did not have any white cardstock, and the paper of the pages is thick enough to hold a picture. You can also do this with colored paper or just plain white, so it really looks like a polaroid. I like the combination of words, a picture and writing on it.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


0 h 30


Pretty Easy
Medium 100 9061 1314389206


I got this idea through this site: and here is how I made my own. I have just hollowed out an old book, and finally I have a useful purpose for the leftover pages. Right now I did not have any white cardstock, and the paper of the pages is thick enough to hold a picture. You can also do this with colored paper or just plain white, so it really looks like a polaroid. I like the combination of words, a picture and writing on it.


  1. Small 100 9066 1314388993

    Gather what you'll need: some paper, photos, a cardboard template, glue, scissors and an exacto knife. My template is app. 10,5x8,5cm and the inner square is 7,3x7,3cm.

  2. Small 100 9064 1314389084

    cut out a frame

  3. Small 100 9063 1314389115

    Cut a picture/photo down to the right size, and glue it to the back of the frame.

  4. Small 100 9061 1314389154

    Decide if you want to write something on the bottom of the frame, and hang it some place nice!