Cut Out + Keep

Make Up Pouch

Based on Make Up Pouch by --- • Posted by Melissa Beth

I didn't follow the measurements exactly but it worked out great. I used T-shirt scraps and ribbon leftover from other projects so it cost nothing and was green. I finally got to replace my crappy makeup bag. Thanks for posting this! It was exactly what I needed.

You will need


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium photo on 2011 02 04 at 23.27 1296880309 Medium photo on 2011 02 04 at 23.30  3 1296880344


I didn't follow the measurements exactly but it worked out great. I used T-shirt scraps and ribbon leftover from other projects so it cost nothing and was green. I finally got to replace my crappy makeup bag. Thanks for posting this! It was exactly what I needed.
