Awesomely Dorky Lego batman earrings
I love batman and I really love legos so when I saw some of the lego earrings I knew I had to use my batman legos to make some jewelry!
English Ginger favorited Lego Batman Earrings 11 Nov 14:50
Lauren W. favorited Lego Batman Earrings 26 Oct 23:30
Step 1
First glue the joker's hair onto his head and do the same with Batman's Helmet. Make sure they are both exactly centered. You should only need a drop of gorilla glue to accomplish this.
Step 2
After the glue has dried you have the option of gluing the body together. I decided not to so i could wear them as just heads or the or as the whole figure. I found that even without the glue the minifigures stay together well.
Step 3
Next you take a drill and with the smallest drillbit you have drill a hole directly in the center of the head. I used a drill press and highly recommend you use one too. If you do not own one then have someone else hold the minifigure as you drill
Step 4
After the hole is drilled cut your eyepin to the size desired.
Step 5
Put a drop of gorilla glue into the hole you drilled and stick the eyepin in. Hold it in place until the gorilla glue dries.
Step 6
Now attach the earring hook.
Step 7
Repeat the process with the other minifigure