Cut Out + Keep

Lego Candles

Make funky Lego Birthday Candles for young ones and old ones :) • Posted by Kay Bay

I made a set of nine Lego themed candles for my brother's ninth birthday and like an idiot forgot to take a photo of all the finished candles :} Derp. But here is a rough guide on how I made the first of the batch, though you are more than welcome to make bricks (like I did) and an assortment of other Lego shapes. P.S. this is a recreation of a tutorial on Instructables that is pretty awesome. In the tutorial the man uses sugru and makes both the back and the front of the Lego character, I only make the front face with definition. Instructable link: If you want to get fancy you could even follow this Youtube tutorial to make your lego candles stackable by modifying it slightly:

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 110729 2f2015 08 31 182209 lego%2bman%2bcandle%2b5


I made a set of nine Lego themed candles for my brother's ninth birthday and like an idiot forgot to take a photo of all the finished candles :} Derp. But here is a rough guide on how I made the first of the batch, though you are more than welcome to make bricks (like I did) and an assortment of other Lego shapes. P.S. this is a recreation of a tutorial on Instructables that is pretty awesome. In the tutorial the man uses sugru and makes both the back and the front of the Lego character, I only make the front face with definition. Instructable link: If you want to get fancy you could even follow this Youtube tutorial to make your lego candles stackable by modifying it slightly:


  1. First off you need to melt the wax for your candle on medium heat; so add your scent, dye and wax to your pan and wait until molten. Take off heat once it's fully liquid.

  2. After watching the instructable tutorial where the creator used sugru I adapted the tutorial slightly by substituing sugru for really out of date modeling paste/icing. Though you could just buy a lego silicone ice cube tray off fleebay to get best results. Play with the modeling paste until it becomes more pliable and break off a palm sized lump. Stick the lump on a plate as things are gonna get a bit sticky.

  3. Small 110729 2f2015 08 31 181343 lego%2bman%2bcandle%2b3

    Wet and clean your Lego figure/ brick and then press face/front down in to the icing lump, pushing the icing to the edges of the figure to get the proper shapings. P.S. All of my lego men lack heads so I kind of improvised with singular square pieces :) Use a tooth pick to hook one of the holes in the legs and gently pry the figure out of your mould.

  4. Cut your wick down to size and push so the top of the wick is poking out of the head then smooth a ball of paste over the wick to fill in the gap you've just created; this will make it so that the wax won't pour out when it comes to creating your figure.

  5. Small 110729 2f2015 08 31 181600 lego%2bman%2bcandle%2b4

    Your wax should be reasonably cooler by now so carefully pour it in to your created mould and then leave to set fully.

  6. Small 110729 2f2015 08 31 181842 lego%2bman%2bcandle

    Once completely set the icing should be pliable enough that you can just smooth it away from your wax figure, plucking away chunks of icing until you're left with your lego candle lightly dusted in icing. Run under the tap to get rid of any excess icing and if your candle is a bit lumpy in places you can use a toothpick to smooth out and cut away the excess.

  7. Small 110729 2f2015 08 31 182021 lego%2bman%2bcandle%2b6

    And you should have it; your very own Lego Man/Woman candle perfect for any sort of celebration. You could try making lego pieces of any shape, size or brickiness.