A Hungarian dish
My nephew's favourite dish as I cook it.
Noi K. added Layered Potato Dish to food 12 Sep 09:30
Step 1
It cost a lot of time to make this dish, but it absolutely worths it!
First you have to wash the potatos properly, then cook them whole. The potatos in the picture are done. The whole potatos need about 40 minutes cooking. When they're done, leave them cool, and boil the eggs. (You will need hard eggs.)
Slice the sausage. -
Step 3
Put the egg and sausage slices on the top of the potato layer. Then put a little bit soured cream and a little grated cheese. Then comes another layer of potatos, then eggs and sausages again, soured cream and cheese. Finish the process with a layer of potato. Put a little salt on every potato layer.
Step 5
Ta-daaa! Here it is, and it's really yummi! :)
If you are a vegetarian (like my sister), you could make this without sausage. This dish contains no spices, the flavour comes from the sausage. So if you make it without sausage, you need to put in some spices. I recommend garlic, red (but not hot) pepper, grounded white pepper, and/or tarragon.
Itthon mi zsemlemorzsát rakunk legalulra, és attól az alsó réteg krumpli kicsit sültebb lesz, olyan...nem is tudom, hát csak a jó hazai kajához lehet hasonlítani ugye a jó hazai kaját
Klassz hogy felrakod ezeket
Thanks for your comments
I'm vegetarian, so i used soy/veggie pepperonies instead of sausage. And i threw in dash of garlic powder w/ the salt. Nummy. XD
szóval szia hogyha ezt érted :] én is nagyon szeretem a rakott krumplit