a new twist to netting stitch
Give a new twist to netting stitch by mixing the bold with the delicate. Chunky wood beads are covered with dainty rocailles to make this stunning necklace.
You Will Need
Step 1
Netted 30mm Bead
N.B. All 3 of the netted beads use size 11 rocailles
Prepare your needle with 250cm of thread. Add a stop bead by picking up a sky blue rocaille with your needle and moving it to about 15cm from the end of the thread. Loop your thread round and through again and pull tight. Pick up 2 ruby rocailles followed by 1 sky blue rocaille. Continue picking up rocailles in this sequence until you have 33 in total.
Step 2
Bring your needle back up the 25th bead from the bottom. Pull tight to form the first diamond. Pick up 2 ruby, 1 sky blue and 2 more ruby rocailles. Count up 5 beads on the original row. Pass your needle through the next sky blue rocaille (the 19th bead you added. Continue making diamonds in this way until you come out of the stop bead. You should have 5 diamonds in total.
Step 3
Pick up 2 ruby, 1 sky blue and 2 more ruby rocailles. Pass your needle back down through the last sky blue rocaille you added on row 2. Continue down the row making diamonds as before. Continue adding rows in this way until your netting is wide enough to go around the large bead (about 14 diamonds wide).
Step 4
To join the 2 sides together, pick up 2 ruby rocailles and pass your needle through the 1st bead you added (the stop bead). Pick up 2 more ruby rocailles and pass through the next sky blue rocaille down to continue forming diamonds. Carry on down the row, picking up 2 ruby rocailles and passing through the next sky blue rocaille along on the opposite side, until you reach the end.
Step 5
To fit your netting around the bead pass your needle through every ruby rocaille on the top circle of the netting and pull tight. Weave around again for extra security if you wish. Weave your needle down through the netting until you reach the other side. Slide the netting over the 30mm wood bead. Again, pass your needle through every ruby rocaille on the circle and pull tight. Pass around again if you wish.
Step 7
Netted 15mm Bead
The 2 smaller netted beads are made using the same technique but with less rocailles and all ruby. Begin with 150cm of thread and pick up 16 rocailles for the 1st row. Pass the needle back down through the 9th rocaille you added. Pick up 3 rocailles and then go through the 5th bead you added. Pick up 3 more rocailles and go through the 1st rocaille you added (the stop bead). As you did with the 30mm bead, continue working up and down the rows until your piece is wide enough to cover the 15mm bead. Finish in the same way. -
Step 8
Assembling the Necklace - Double Strand With Joining Loop
N.B. The necklace strands are made with size 8 rocaillesPrepare your needle with 250cm of thread. Add a stop bead by picking up a ruby rocaille with your needle and moving it to about 25cm from the end of the thread. Pick up 9 more ruby rocailles and 1 sky blue rocaille. Continue this sequence (10 ruby, 1 sky blue rocaille) twice more followed by 10 more ruby rocailles.
Pick up 1 10mm, round turquoise bead, 10 ruby rocailles, 1 sky blue rocaille and 10 more ruby rocailles. Repeat this sequence twice more. Pick up 1 15mm netted bead, the 30mm netted bead, the last 15mm netted bead and 1 10mm, round turquoise bead. Make the 1st tassel by
picking up 10 ruby rocailles, 1 sky blue rocaille, 10 more ruby rocailles, 1 10mm, round turquoise bead and 1 more ruby rocaille.
Missing out the last ruby rocaille you picked up, pass your needle back through all the beads on your thread. Loop round and through the 1st bead added (the stop bead) again. To make the 2nd part of the strand, pick up 9 ruby rocailles and pass through the 1st sky blue rocaille on strand 1. Continue all the way down in this way so that the 2 strands are joined at every sky blue rocaille and 10mm round turquoise bead on strand 1. Pass through the 3 netted beads and the 10mm turquoise rocaille. Make another tassel the same as the 1st one. As before, excluding the last rocaille added, pass your needle back up all the beads on strand 2. Once again, loop around the stop bead and back down through the strand, knotting in-between rocailles to secure.
Attach your needle to the 25cm tail at the stop bead. Pick up 14 ruby rocailles. Pass your needle down through the necklace strand, knotting in-between rocailles to secure. Trim off excess thread. -
Step 9
Double Strand With Fastener
Make the main body of the double strand in the same way as the other one. To make the fastener, attach your needle to the 25cm tail. Pick up 10 ruby, 1 sky blue, and 10 more ruby rocailles. Follow this with 1 10mm round turquoise bead and 1 more ruby rocaille. Excluding the last ruby rocaille, thread back through all the beads on the fastener. As before, thread through the main strand, knotting to secure. Trim off any excess thread.