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Korean Fried Chicken

Crunchy eggshell-thin coated fried chicken, glazed in a sweet and spicy sauce • Posted by buttercup303

The original recipe calls for frying for the chicken twice. I fried it just once and still got a very crispy fried chicken.

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7 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 102287 2f2014 06 02 081358 picture%2b058 Medium 102287 2f2014 06 02 081433 picture%2b057


The original recipe calls for frying for the chicken twice. I fried it just once and still got a very crispy fried chicken.


  1. Small 102287 2f2014 06 02 081825 fgf

    Marinate chicken in this rub: > 1 medium onion, grated > 5-6 cloves of garlic, minced > Salt and pepper to taste.

  2. Small 102287 2f2014 06 02 081829 drtg

    Rub the above mixture all over the cleaned and dried chicken drumsticks and marinate in the refrigerator for 6 hrs or overnight.

  3. Small 102287 2f2014 06 02 081835 picture%2b026

    In a pan, Take 3 tbsp vegetable or olive oil. As it heats up, Add 4 chopped scallion white and 5-6 chopped garlic cloves. Saute for a min.

  4. Small 102287 2f2014 06 02 081841 picture%2b028

    Add > 6 tbsp ketchup > 2 tbsp honey > juice of one lemon > 1 tbs korean chilli flakes(I used paprika powder) > salt to taste. Mix well. add a spoon of water or oil if it gets too thick. Turn off heat and keep aside.

  5. Small 102287 2f2014 06 02 082617 picture%2b042

    In a wide bowl mix: > 3/4 cup cornstarch > 1/2 cup flour > 1/2 tsp salt > 1 tsp sugar > 1/2 tsp pepper powder > 1/2 tsp baking powder

  6. Small 102287 2f2014 06 02 082629 picture%2b049

    Heat oil for deep frying the drumsticks. When oil is hot enough, Add 3/4 cup of ice cold water to the Batter mix and make a thin batter. Dip and coat each drumstick in the cold batter and deep fry till golden brown and crispy.

  7. Small 102287 2f2014 06 02 083025 picture%2b050

    Warn the Glaze and toss the fried chicken drumsticks. Toss to coat all over.

  8. Small 102287 2f2014 06 02 083109 picture%2b056

    Garnish with Dry roasted white sesame seeds and chopped scallion greens.