Cut Out + Keep

Knitted Candy Christmas Ornaments / Bag Embellishments

Cute little decorations • Posted by K H.

This is a variation of the "Daffy Taffy Twists" by Michele Lee Bernstein that can be found on Ravelry. I changed it slightly and used different size knitting needles to make a larger or smaller candy. They are just cute and fun to scatter about. I am going to attach one to each of the bags for our office cookie swap next week, for a little added Christmas cheer. They take 50 minutes each, but are mindless enough that you can knit them and watch T.V. at the same time. I could have probably made 2-3 more out of that same skein, so you really get a lot of volume from one skein of yarn. Obviously these can be color coordinated to other holidays (I think these would be cute in reds and pinks for Valentine's Day!).

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0 h 50


Nice & Simple
Medium 106438 2f2014 12 22 020351 img 1078 Medium 106438 2f2014 12 22 020404 img 1080 Medium 106438 2f2014 12 22 020415 img 1079


This is a variation of the "Daffy Taffy Twists" by Michele Lee Bernstein that can be found on Ravelry. I changed it slightly and used different size knitting needles to make a larger or smaller candy. They are just cute and fun to scatter about. I am going to attach one to each of the bags for our office cookie swap next week, for a little added Christmas cheer. They take 50 minutes each, but are mindless enough that you can knit them and watch T.V. at the same time. I could have probably made 2-3 more out of that same skein, so you really get a lot of volume from one skein of yarn. Obviously these can be color coordinated to other holidays (I think these would be cute in reds and pinks for Valentine's Day!).
