Knit your own microbe plushie!
I was inspired by the cute microbe plushies at <a href="http://www.giantmicrobes.com">GIANTmicrobes.com</a> to create my own little guy.
Say hello to Sam O'Nella!
Ms Dorito added Knit Your Own Microbe Plushie! to Plushie 12 Jun 17:13
Karina R. favorited Knit Your Own Microbe Plushie! 28 Jun 12:41
srslyjc favorited Knit Your Own Microbe Plushie! 19 Jul 20:30
Heather G. favorited Knit Your Own Microbe Plushie! 01 Dec 17:12
Jen S. added Knit Your Own Microbe Plushie! to Crochet 23 Mar 21:39
thatdorkychick favorited Knit Your Own Microbe Plushie! 21 Oct 12:55
Step 1
CO 6 st with MC, divide between needles and join for working in the round
Round 1: kfb in every st, 12 st
Round 2: k all sts
Round 3: *kfb, k1* to end of round, 18 stsCont in st st until your microbe is as long as you desire. At this point, embroider eyes & stuff to firmness desired.
Dec Round 1: *ssk, k1* to end of round, 12 sts
Round 2: k all sts
Round 3: *ssk* to end of round, 6 stsBreak yarn leaving an 18" tail & stuff a little more if desired. Draw yarn through rem sts & pull tight. Make a tiny knot near the top & hide yarn inside your microbe's body.
Step 2
Flagellum (make as many as desired)
Co 2 st in CC & knit an i-cord
I knit mine about 4 in long, but you can make them however long or short you want!
Step 3
Sew flagellum on the microbe's body as shown in the picture or wherever you want. Be creative!
Enjoy playing with your microbe--at least you don't have to wash your hands afterward. ;D
And nobody would try to stop them, because they are so darling.