Cut Out + Keep

Junkmail Jewellery

Rubbish Revamped: Junkmail jewellery • Posted by Danielle L.

Eco-jewels: make beads for necklaces or bracelets from junkmail, leaflets or old maps.

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium cmntindx bracelet 1254772944 Medium necklace2 1254773963


Eco-jewels: make beads for necklaces or bracelets from junkmail, leaflets or old maps.


  1. Small junkjewellery1 1254773007

    You will need: A sheet of paper of your choice, eg this is a cover from a local magazine, Community Index Scissors or craft knife Glue Stretchy elastic thread Pen Ruler Tooth picks (about 10) Piece of wire Polystyrene block Clear nail varnish or other glossy varnish

  2. Small junkjewellery2 1254773162

    Instructions for tidy freaks On the wrong side of the Community Index cover, mark notches 2cm apart at the top of the page. At bottom of the page, mark one notch 1cm from the edge of the page, followed by notches all 2cm apart. The red arrows show a 2cm space. Now join notches from one end of the page to the other to make triangles. Cut out the triangles using scissors or a craft knife. Or… Guide for haphazard hackers Cut out long triangles from one end of the page to the other. Doesn’t matter if they’re not the same width. Variety is the spice of life.

  3. Small junkjewellery3 1254773124

    You will now have several triangles of paper, each of which will become a bead.

  4. Small junkjewellery4 1254773206

    Wind the triangle of paper around the toothpick. Put glue on the last 4-5cm of the strip and firm down.

  5. Small junkjewellery5 1254773238

    Make several beads like this and place them upright in the polystyrene block.

  6. Small junkjewellery6 1254773354

    Remove the beads from the toothpicks by twisting them off gently. Thread them on some wire, sticking either end into the polystyrene block.

  7. Small junkjewellery7 1254773407

    Paint the beads on the wire with clear nail varnish or other glossy varnish. Nail varnish dries quickly and can be reapplied within minutes. For other varnish, follow instructions on tin. Apply 2-3 layers of varnish.

  8. Small bracelet1 1254773503

    Thread one bead, tying a loose knot around it. Thread the remainder beads, measuring the beads on the elastic thread to suit your wrist size. Untie the first knot and tie two knots between the two ends. This bracelet contains beads made from the magazine cover and newspaper strips.

  9. Small necklace1 1254773589

    Alternatively string your beads into a necklace using thick thread – eg tapestry thread – and incorporating beads from broken jewellery or buttons. Paper or ‘junkmail’ jewellery can be made with all manner of paper: try magazines, brochures, maps, old calendars.