Cut Out + Keep

How To Get Exotic Eyes ~ X

Let your Smokey Eye's Sparkle ! • Posted by Jady :3

Your way to getting exotic eyes ! I just love this look, it makes a stunning addition when you go out !

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Pretty Easy
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Your way to getting exotic eyes ! I just love this look, it makes a stunning addition when you go out !


  1. Small photo4094 1301168305

    Okay, so first off you want to clip or tie all hair off your face. I cant tell you how annoying it is getting makeup on it or have it in the way.

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    Next you will want to start with a blank canvas (face) so remove all makeup or apply your foundation, whatever you would normally do so your ready to begin :)

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    When you've done that apply your baby blue eyeshadow to your eyelids.

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    With a smaller brush then apply the Black Spark above your lashes from the outer to inner corner; extending out towards temples and end of eyebrows. With the same brush, apply more shadow onto the outer coner of the eye sockets. Blend together to create a triangle on the outer corner of the eyes, leaving the edges slightly sharp. Dot the same colour under the bottom lashes from the inner ot outer corner and blend out to meet the shadow above. Dab moondust onto the inner corner of the eyes and dust onto brow bone.

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    For definition, line the inner rim of the eyes with Blue Nights eyeliner, and apply lashings of mascara on top and bottom lashes. Also add a sealer over this if you wish. I also cut the ends off my false eyelashes and added them to the ends of my eyes for emphasis :)

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    To finish, just Cloud Dancer pigment powder across temples and sweep just above cheek bones. And there you have it, your exotic eyes done :3 Enjoy !!