Cut Out + Keep

Hippie Headband

Au milieu de l'hiver, j'apprenais enfin qu'il y avait en moi un été invincible.” ― Albert Camus, Noces / L'Eté • Posted by Nancy!

I made this headband for a country/western festival. My inspiration came from summer and from the love whom Native Americans have for the nature and the wildlife. It was perfect with my outfit and my big curly hair ^_^(I forgot to take a picture ... ) Sorry for the bad english!!!!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 15


Pretty Easy
Medium img 0448 Medium img 0644 Medium img 0449 Medium img 0452 Medium img 0463


I made this headband for a country/western festival. My inspiration came from summer and from the love whom Native Americans have for the nature and the wildlife. It was perfect with my outfit and my big curly hair ^_^(I forgot to take a picture ... ) Sorry for the bad english!!!!
