My dreidel's always playful...it loves to dance and spin...
A driedel (or draydel) is a top with four sides, that is often played with during the Jewish holiday of Hanukkah. (More information can be found using Google if you would like to know more.)
I got the idea into my head that I'd like to make a soft toy or plushie in a dreidel shape. To my surprise I couldn't find any info on how to go about making one. So although I'm a newbie when it comes to sewing I thought I'd try my hand at making a pattern myself.
I found info for making paper dreidels here http://www.holidays.net/chanukah/pattern.html and used that to help figure out the pattern shape for a fabric version. And another site had printable stencils http://familytime.com/asp/hebrewletrtemp.asp that I used for the letters.
This is my first tutorial, so forgive me if it leaves things out (or if it is too detailed). And feel free to give me constructive criticism. :)
Shantelle t. added Hanukkah Dreidel Plushie to something i'd like to try 02 Oct 02:56
DreamsInBloom entered their project Hanukkah Dreidel Plushie to Brini Maxwell 17 Dec 09:18
Step 1
I've tried to provide a template in the image here. Click on the image on the right. Then when the pop up window comes up right click on the picture and then click on "save image as."
You'll probably have to re-size it to make it larger (since it "shrunk" when I uploaded it here) or just use it as a general guideline.
The size of the top piece in the one I made here is about 3 inches by 3 inches. And the side pieces were approx. 3 inches wide by 5 1/2 inches long -
Step 3
With fabric paint (or use a Sharpie) stencil the Hebrew letters Gimel, Shin, Hey, and Nun on the side panels.
I used the stencil from this site http://familytime.com/asp/hebrewletrtemp.asp. You can print it out on cardstock or transparency sheets made for inkjet printers and use an Xacto knife to cut out the letter shapes.
Step 6
Take top piece of the driedel and cut a very small X in the middle. Put the fabric covered chenille stem through the hole, leaving some it sticking through the bottom side. This will be the handle of the dreidel.
Fold the fabric in half. Stitch over chenille stem close to the edge of the folded fabric.