Cut Out + Keep

Gathered Dress

Gathered dress • Posted by verypurpleperson

Making this dress was as easy as it looks, only the bodice needs some kind of pattern and the bottom parts are just a pair of rectangles.

You will need

Project Budget


2 h 00


Medium 4196441762 90d4c5b010 Medium 4195687263 26c96075c7 Medium 4195687405 d1252fa173 Medium 4195686615 73cf388ae6 m Medium 4196441436 fdbf7012b4 m Medium 4196441602 ea1bf61aed m


Making this dress was as easy as it looks, only the bodice needs some kind of pattern and the bottom parts are just a pair of rectangles.


  1. You will need: - A sleeveless top or bodice pattern of your choice. - Pattern paper - Fabric for bodice part. You can use the same fabric or coordinating ones. - Fabric for bottom part. My fabric is 120 cm in width and 2 m long. A bit goes for lining the top part and the rest goes to the bottom part.

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    Bodice part: - Fold your top along the vertical middle line, put the pattern paper over it and trace the top. - Make sure you trace the neckline, armholes and the sides of both front and back pieces. - Mark the bottom part of bodice on the pattern. Mine is about 3 cm below the armholes. Draw a straight line perpendicular to middle line. - Check the sides of front and back pieces, make sure that the lengths are the same. - To make the overlapped front, add 2.5 cm on the middle front lines. Add seam allowances all around. - Now you have the bodice patterns!

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    Sewing the dress - Cut fabric using bodice patterns. You will have 2 front pieces and 1 back piece. - It is easier to line the whole bodice part. If you want to do this, cut another set of bodice pattern from lining fabric (I use the bottom part fabric). Sew the bodice pieces and linings. - Cut the rest of your bottom part fabric in two. - Sew to make a tube. Please notice that the selvedges are on top and bottom of the tube. - Gather the top part to match the bodice pattern. - Pin the bottom part to the bodice part, matching side seams together and sew all around. I put my bottom part on top of the bodice part to let the selvedge shown outside. - You have a dress! Share your dress in sew i do flickr group! ^.^

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    Some ideas: How many dresses can you make with this technique? There are endless possibilities, depending on the fit of the bodice part, the cutting line, and the length and width of bottom parts. Add ruffles, sleeves, button, different variation of opening, or use stretch fabric. Instead of gathering the bottom part, you can also pleat them. All of these dresses are made with this technique in different variation. Bodice part + a pair of rectangles can go anywhere!