Cut Out + Keep

Geometric Explosion Quilt

Super simple quilts • Posted by Search Press

Wall/Crib: 40 ̋×40 ̋ Twin: 64 ̋×84 ̋ Queen: 84 ̋×92 ̋

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


20 h 00


Medium 2018 11 08 093825 q003b


Wall/Crib: 40 ̋×40 ̋ Twin: 64 ̋×84 ̋ Queen: 84 ̋×92 ̋


  1. Small 2018 11 08 123956 screen%2bshot%2b2018 11 08%2bat%2b12.39.38


  2. Preparation Appliqué pieces Using the straight-edge rotary cutting blade or scissors, cut out the fusible adhesive pieces as directed in the cutting chart.

  3. Small 2018 11 08 092917 screen%2bshot%2b2018 11 08%2bat%2b09.29.02

    Place the fusible adhesive shapes 1/2 ̋ apart on the wrong side of the appropriate fabrics. Fuse following the manufacturer’s instructions.

  4. Small 2018 11 08 092939 screen%2bshot%2b2018 11 08%2bat%2b09.29.29

    Using the wavy-edge rotary cutting blade, cut out the appliqué shapes, leaving 1/4 ̋ of unfused fabric around the edge of the fusible adhesive. This will allow you to stitch through the fabric only, not through the fusible adhesive, and it creates a softer edge.

  5. Small 2018 11 08 093023 screen%2bshot%2b2018 11 08%2bat%2b09.30.13

    Construction Fold the background fabric square in half in both directions, and press. Fold the background fabric square in half diagonally in both directions, and press.

  6. Small 2018 11 08 093341 screen%2bshot%2b2018 11 08%2bat%2b09.33.29

    Finger-press the large center square appliqué diagonally in both directions. Align the square in the exact center of the background fabric where the pressed fold lines intersect, and press to fuse.

  7. Small 2018 11 08 093407 screen%2bshot%2b2018 11 08%2bat%2b09.33.45

    Finger-press the large center circle in half in both directions. Fuse the circle in the center of the square.

  8. Small 2018 11 08 093416 screen%2bshot%2b2018 11 08%2bat%2b09.33.54

    Finger-press each square from corner to corner. Align the fold lines on the squares with the fold lines on the background fabric, overlapping as shown, and fuse.

  9. Finger-press each circle in half. Align the fold lines on the circles with the fold lines on the background fabric, overlapping as shown, and fuse.

  10. Press the quilt top to remove any remaining fold lines.

  11. Small 2018 11 08 123920 screen%2bshot%2b2018 11 08%2bat%2b12.38.35

    Materials Yardages are based on 42 ̋-wide fabric.

  12. Finishing 1. Layer and baste the quilt. 2. Stitch around all of the appliqué pieces, 1/8 ̋ inside all the wavy edges. 3. If more quilting is needed, choose a method to secure the layers. 4. Trim to square up the quilt, and choose a binding technique. * For the all-by-machine method (No Handwork Required), machine stitch using a slightly longer than normal stitch length. For the all-by-hand method (No Machine Required), hand stitch using running stitches with perle cotton thread. For the combination method (Machine and Hand), mix and match the machine and hand techniques, as desired.