Cut Out + Keep

Food Photography

Medovik cake • Posted by Aleksandar Pavlovic

Yes, you heard it well! It is new cake boss in town! Famous classical cake got new suit Purple and Orange, with an amazing combo of lavender and pumpkin! The queens of autumn gardens become best friends sharing a cake. The contrast is so refreshingly sweet and savory! Go and make this one!

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Reasonably Priced


3 h 00


Medium 2021 01 18 211625 dsc 6013%2bmodified%2bmodified%2bmodified Medium 2021 01 18 211630 dsc 6143%2bmodified Medium 2021 01 18 211635 dsc 6169 Medium 2021 01 18 211640 dsc 6181


Yes, you heard it well! It is new cake boss in town! Famous classical cake got new suit Purple and Orange, with an amazing combo of lavender and pumpkin! The queens of autumn gardens become best friends sharing a cake. The contrast is so refreshingly sweet and savory! Go and make this one!


  1. For 30+ smaller crusts: 600 g flour, 170 g sugar, 3 whole eggs, a teaspoon of baking soda, a pinch of salt, 4 tablespoons of honey, 50 g of butter. Melt sugar, butter and honey over a low heat, stirring constantly. Whisk 3 whole eggs separately with a fork. Gradually add a warm mass of honey to the eggs. Mix the dry ingredients and cook the dough with a wet mass of honey. If necessary, add a little flour. Divide the dough into 8 equal balls of 100 g each. Immediately roll out 1 ball on a floured surface and bake the first crust on an overturned baking tray (20 x 30 cm). Bake for 5 minutes at 200°C; not a second longer. We cut the crust into two equal parts, so we immediately got 16 crusts, but then we reduced the crust even more; so we inserted the ends as additional crusts and thus exceeded the number of 30+ crusts.

  2. Lavender filling: 200 g cream cheese, 200 ml double cream, 3 tablespoons honey and half a teaspoon of dried lavender flowers. Whisk the double cream lightly. Mix cream cheese, honey and lavender, then add that mixture in double cream and stir a little more.

  3. Pumpkin filling: 180 ml of sour cream, 3 tablespoons of powdered sugar, 2 tablespoons of jam (pumpkin, orange and ginger; homemade jam from last year, but I don't remember the recipe at the moment

  4. Topping: 400 g butter and 100 g powdered sugar. Whisk and add a pinch of cocoa for color. We also used homemade fondant.

  5. Side note: Coat the crusts alternately with lavender filling and pumpkin filling.