Cut Out + Keep

Figaro Knit Cushions

A Nissan Figaro stitch cushion for our car! • Posted by Cat Morley

The yarn was so lovely and soft, making it perfect for a cosy cushion to keep in the back of our Nissan Figaro. The colours were also spot on!

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Project Budget


10 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 113019 2f2016 05 17 133238 img 1861 Medium 113019 2f2016 05 17 133250 img 1740


The yarn was so lovely and soft, making it perfect for a cosy cushion to keep in the back of our Nissan Figaro. The colours were also spot on!


  1. Small 113019 2f2016 05 17 134709 figarocushionchart

    Front of the cushion: CO 64. Row 1: Knit Row 2: Purl. Row 3-62: Knit 2, work from the chart, k2. Row 63: Knit Row 64: Purl. Cast Off. Back of the cushion: CO 64. Rows 1- 64: Knit in garter stitch. Cast Off.

  2. Small 113019 2f2016 05 17 133258 img 1715

    Making up. Position the front and back around the cushion and, using the yarn needle, stitch around the sides using blue yarn.

  3. Small 113019 2f2016 05 17 140210 img 1732

    Add a scalloped edge: Using the crochet needle, double crochet around the whole cushion.

  4. Small 113019 2f2016 05 17 140217 img 1738

    Chain 1, Miss 1 stitch, 5 dc in next stitch, miss 1 stitch, sc in next stitch and repeat to the end of row.

  5. Small 113019 2f2016 05 17 133307 img 1740

    Weave in any loose ends and you're done!