Cut Out + Keep

Felt Strawberry (Halves)

Make your own felt Strawberry (Halves)! • Posted by B*

Here is one version of how to create strawberry halves for your felt desserts. Have fun! :)

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Medium 2014 03 30 154743 20140330 204917 1 1 Medium 2014 03 30 154824 20140330 204719 1 Medium 2014 03 30 154832 20140330 204501


Here is one version of how to create strawberry halves for your felt desserts. Have fun! :)


  1. Small 2014 03 30 155353 20140311 231044 1

    First, cut out a quadrant of red felt for the outside of your strawberry. Then, sew small straight stitches (for the 'seeds') in white thread following the suggested pattern here. (Alternatively, you could also use white beads for the 'seeds.') *Note: I now use double-threading for all my stitching so it turns out firm but this is a personal preference - Using single-threading should work just as fine, too.

  2. Small 2014 03 30 155411 20140311 231058 1

    Next, cut out a teardrop-shaped piece of light pink felt with a flat bottom (in the ratio shown in picture 4). Then, glue a smaller piece of white felt in the centre. *Note: This step is optional since we will be stitching the white felt onto the pink in the next step but applying a little glue will ensure it stays in place. :)

  3. Small 2014 03 30 155418 20140311 234845

    Now, sew 15 straight stitches (alternating short and long stitches) in white thread all around the edge of the white felt to secure it to the pink felt, which will form the sliced 'inside' of the strawberry half.

  4. Small 2014 03 30 155425 20140330 184638 1 1

    After preparing your red felt (straight-stitched with 'white seeds') and pink felt (with white felt stitched onto it), you should have something that looks like this. *Note: I made a pair of strawberry halves, hence this double set (which you could use as a suggested ratio for the template).

  5. Small 2014 03 30 155447 20140330 190317 1 1

    Now, sew small running stitches along the margin (allowing for seam allowance) in red thread. Once you have done so, pull the thread and sew up the bottom so that it does not come apart.

  6. Small 2014 03 30 155536 20140311 235727

    Next, fill the strawberry with the desired amount of stuffing.

  7. Small 2014 03 30 160025 20140330 193611 1 1

    Sew all around the pink piece in red thread using neat overcast stitches to secure it to the red felt of your strawberry. When complete, it should look like the strawberry half shown here. :)

  8. Small 2014 03 30 160342 20140330 193932

    This is how the back of your strawberry half should look like.

  9. Small 2014 03 30 160400 20140330 202931 1

    I have learnt that it is more fun to do a pair of strawberry halves - You could place it together to form a heart (almost) as shown in the main picture above. Have fun crafting! :)