Cut Out + Keep

Eyepie Canvas

Funky collage • Posted by piefacetoldmeso

I think this is great to look at, not to everyone's taste because eyes freak them out but ho hum.. All you need is a cheap canvas and loads of old magazines. Cutting the eyes out takes longest' I did it while watching tv. Great fun :D

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


6 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium 212435282113788


I think this is great to look at, not to everyone's taste because eyes freak them out but ho hum.. All you need is a cheap canvas and loads of old magazines. Cutting the eyes out takes longest' I did it while watching tv. Great fun :D


  1. Cut out lots and lots of eyes from magazines. This takes a while. Try and choose the bigger eyes, else you will be there forever. I used a craft knife because it was quicker and easier. Also it was fun freaking people out with the eyeless models in the magazine...

  2. Once you have your eyes start sticking them on your canvas. I used a round one and a basic glue stick. I found the eyes stuck better when i glued the canvas and the eye. You could use modge podge or whatever you have. I would use wet glue sparingly just in case the eyes rip.