Cut Out + Keep

Edible Cocktails

How to Make Edible Cocktails • Posted by Robin J.

Or Jell-O shots. Whichever way you call it, Edible Cocktails are quirky. From seeing them wiggle on the platter, tilting your head back and throwing one down, to licking the stickiness from your fingers, you will agree that these gel cocktails will bring smiles to your guests' faces. But don't let these childhood-like treats fool you, they have a bite and will sneak up on you if you have a few too many. I first saw these on Brilynn's site Jumbo Empanadas and knew that these would be what I would bring to Himself's office party the other night. It would be a warm evening by the pool and some silly food would be fun. After doing some gelatin research I discovered that you could pretty much take any cocktail and turn it into an Edible Cocktail by adding one packet (7 grams) Knox Gelatine to every 8 ounces (240 ml) of fluid. Himself and I experimented a bit and found this to be a good ratio.

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Or Jell-O shots. Whichever way you call it, Edible Cocktails are quirky. From seeing them wiggle on the platter, tilting your head back and throwing one down, to licking the stickiness from your fingers, you will agree that these gel cocktails will bring smiles to your guests' faces. But don't let these childhood-like treats fool you, they have a bite and will sneak up on you if you have a few too many. I first saw these on Brilynn's site Jumbo Empanadas and knew that these would be what I would bring to Himself's office party the other night. It would be a warm evening by the pool and some silly food would be fun. After doing some gelatin research I discovered that you could pretty much take any cocktail and turn it into an Edible Cocktail by adding one packet (7 grams) Knox Gelatine to every 8 ounces (240 ml) of fluid. Himself and I experimented a bit and found this to be a good ratio.


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    Mix the first 3 ingredients in a small sauce pan. Add Knox and let sit 3 minutes until gel softens. Turn on heat to medium and heat for a few minutes until gel is completely dissolved, no need to boil or get very hot. Pour into a 9 inch square pan that has been lined with plastic wrap. Chill covered overnight. To unmold, turn cocktail over onto a cutting board, remove plastic wrap and cut into 36 equal sized pieces. Top each piece with a small bit of lime zest. Place on pretty tray and serve immediately. Makes 36 pieces.

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    Tips on Making Edible Cocktails 1. Before adding the Gelatine, taste the cocktail first and adjust flavor if needed. 2. Keep chilled at all times! These will dissolve into puddles if not kept cold. Mine got soft on the car ride over to the party, which a quick trip to the freezer fixed them up just fine, but oh the puddle they made in my lap on the warm car ride home! 3. Remember the ratio to turn your favorite cocktail into an Edible Cocktail- one packet (7 grams) Knox Gelatine to every 8 ounces (240 ml) of fluid. More Gelatine will make the cocktails even more firm if necessary.