Two easy peasy scarves for your sewing pleasure!
Each scarf is its own "step," and then the gloves are the last step. Enjoy!
You Will Need
Step 1
For the owl scarf:
I used a bowl to trace the circles onto my fabric around the design I wanted (the owls). Then, I simply overlapped the circles by about 1.5 inches and pinned them. One straight seam down the middle of the circles and voila! A cute scarf! I hot-glued buttons onto the owls' eyes at the ends of the scarf just for funsies.
Step 2
For the John Deere scarf:
I simply cut two 7 inch wide strips of the fleece and pinned them together at the edges. Then I put one straight seam down each side, and one horizontal seam about 4 inches from each end. I cut the fringe up to this seam, so that that fabric would not come apart, and voila! A simple scarf for my beau!
Step 3
For the gloves:
Trace your hand onto the fabric, but don't go all the way around your fingers. Note on your pattern where your thumb was and how far up your fingers you want the glove to go. Sew up each side, leaving a large hole for your fingers and a hole the size of your thumb. I left my edges raw, but you can turn them inside out for a cleaner finish. Embellish as you wish and voila! Fingerless gloves suitable for a cool night out!