Cut Out + Keep

Easy Peasy Cape Shawl Thing

Based on Easy Peasy Cape Shawl Thing by The AfterCraft • Posted by Jessy

I was digging through a box of old fabrics when I found this large pile of thick black fabric. I used a old green flannel bed sheet for the liner. I'm not really liking the black fabric, it's kinda itchy. I didn't notice that until after I sewed it up and put it on. I had to cut down the zipper I had. When I pinned it down and tried it on, the corner that is suppose to fold down was really small and wouldn't have showed the design at all, which I hand sewed on after I was done. I wasn't to clear where to put it from the instructions, and I didn't want to sew it all up just to find I put it on the wrong corner. It's not to bad for a first try. I think I spent the first hour just trying to make sure both pieces of fabric were the right sizes. Mine feels a little big on me, I look like I could swim in it, but I still love it.

You will need


4 h 00


Medium dscf2574 1307443339 Medium dscf2580 1307478219 Medium dscf2578 1307478237 Medium dscf2582 1307478243


I was digging through a box of old fabrics when I found this large pile of thick black fabric. I used a old green flannel bed sheet for the liner. I'm not really liking the black fabric, it's kinda itchy. I didn't notice that until after I sewed it up and put it on. I had to cut down the zipper I had. When I pinned it down and tried it on, the corner that is suppose to fold down was really small and wouldn't have showed the design at all, which I hand sewed on after I was done. I wasn't to clear where to put it from the instructions, and I didn't want to sew it all up just to find I put it on the wrong corner. It's not to bad for a first try. I think I spent the first hour just trying to make sure both pieces of fabric were the right sizes. Mine feels a little big on me, I look like I could swim in it, but I still love it.
