Cut Out + Keep

Dia De Los Muertos/ Day Of The Dead~ Bat

missing short, snappy description >.< • Posted by BloodyRose

i made this in 8th grade in art class, which was quite a while ago so i dont really remember how i made it i used the wire and i think i made it into a sort of coil and stuffed newspaper in it and i think i used paper mache and glue soaked newspaper strips to cover the coil and make the body i somehow made the ears from the wire and covered them with tissue paper i dont remember how i made the snout :/ i painted the body black i made the shape of the wings with the wire and coverd them with tissue paper and glue i used the markers to draw on the glossy wings hehe, sorry for my poor memory :p

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5 h 00


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i made this in 8th grade in art class, which was quite a while ago so i dont really remember how i made it i used the wire and i think i made it into a sort of coil and stuffed newspaper in it and i think i used paper mache and glue soaked newspaper strips to cover the coil and make the body i somehow made the ears from the wire and covered them with tissue paper i dont remember how i made the snout :/ i painted the body black i made the shape of the wings with the wire and coverd them with tissue paper and glue i used the markers to draw on the glossy wings hehe, sorry for my poor memory :p
