Cut Out + Keep

Decorative Tissue Paper Flower Pots

you wont have to worry about watering these!:D • Posted by lupita_grrr.

ive had thes pots for a long time and when i saw the tutorial, i decided to finally get around doing something with them since i didnt want to put real flowers. and i really like the out come:D i just want to cover up the pipe cleaners with that green tape(dunno what its called)and for some reason, i couldnt put the pictures in with the steps but they're up there(:

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


3 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium pot 007 1270704556 Medium pot 005 1270704254 Medium pot 001 1270704269 Medium pot 004 1270704303 Medium pot 002 1270704342 Medium pot 009 1270704429


ive had thes pots for a long time and when i saw the tutorial, i decided to finally get around doing something with them since i didnt want to put real flowers. and i really like the out come:D i just want to cover up the pipe cleaners with that green tape(dunno what its called)and for some reason, i couldnt put the pictures in with the steps but they're up there(:


  1. get you're supplies! you can use any size of pot(s) for these, just make flowers bigger. i bought my little pots at dollar tree.

  2. i used the turorial here to make these flowers, but i also found another way to do it, but this method worked best for smaller flowers.

  3. i used a blade to cut out a grass design from foam and used hot glue to glues it on. felt would work well too , but it's harder to use a blade with felt. but honestly think it would look better

  4. i couldnt wait any longer so i didnt buy that green spongy thing that they use to keep flowers in place( dunno what it's called), so insted i used a piece of styrofoam from a package. and colored the top green so it could atleast blend somewhat.

  5. stick your flowers onto the styrofoam. (i had to stick a whole with the scissors first.)

  6. i made"grass" out of green paper to cover up the ugly styrofoam. cut (a lot of)thin strips about an inch long, and fold like acordians.

  7. place grass on top, and you're done:D! put anywhere:D i did this over a period of 3 days. i put 3 hours because i spent about an hour those days doing it.(i work slow) what took long was cutting out the foam grass and making the paper strips into accordians:P the flowers were simple(: