Cut Out + Keep

Day Of The Dead Calavera Skull Decoration

Great decoration for Day of the Dead or Halloween! • Posted by LizzyLovesSatan

I started with a plain, brown paper mache skull from Michael's, and turned it into an awesome little decoration!

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Project Budget
Almost Nothing


3 h 00


Nice & Simple
Medium 2014 04 05 064046 sam 0461 Medium 2014 04 05 064054 sam 0462


I started with a plain, brown paper mache skull from Michael's, and turned it into an awesome little decoration!


  1. Small 2014 04 05 064516 sam 0142

    I started with a plain, brown paper mache skull and forgot to take pictures of the first steps. ~ Paint your skull (I used a pearly white paint, but you can use whatever color you prefer) ~With a pencil, gently draw your designs (I looked at a lot of pictures for reference to decide on what I wanted) ~With puffy fabric paint in a color that matches your skull, paint over your designs to make them raised

  2. Small 2014 04 05 064707 sam 0143

    Don't forget the back of your skull!

  3. Small 2014 04 05 064728 sam 0463

    Using glitter glue, or glitter mixed with mod podge (make sure you use a lot of glitter, as you want it to be very dense with sparkle and not leave any of your original fabric paint showing through), paint over your designs.

  4. Small 2014 04 05 064837 sam 0464

    I used a glow in the dark glitter, black, and purple. This was more time consuming than it was difficult, since I needed to really get the glitter on thick, and of course avoid smudging other areas as I was working!

  5. Small 2014 04 05 064940 sam 0461

    And done! What a beautiful skull!! I also decided to cut a small hole in the bottom of this skull so that I had room for an LED tea light candle. To disperse the light inside it, I stuffed a bit of black tulle inside the skull so that the candle didn't shine harshly through the eyes and nose! It looks lovely with that little LED candle going!