Cut Out + Keep

Cute Owl Coffee Cup Cozy!

make your trips for coffee cute! • Posted by Twinkie Chan

I made this coffee cup cozy for a gift exchange. I knew my sister in law loved owls and Starbucks, so I hoped she would fight hard to grab this! I basically just crocheted a short tube with with a brown and a mustard yarn, and then decorated the tube with buttons and small crocheted pieces. He even has wings and a tail! But I would minimize the really stick-out pieces or else the cozy becomes strange to grip! Coffee cup cozies are a fun way to use up your scrap yarn, too!

You will need

Project Budget
Almost Nothing


1 h 00


Pretty Easy
Medium owl 4 1262174454 Medium owl 3 1262174470


I made this coffee cup cozy for a gift exchange. I knew my sister in law loved owls and Starbucks, so I hoped she would fight hard to grab this! I basically just crocheted a short tube with with a brown and a mustard yarn, and then decorated the tube with buttons and small crocheted pieces. He even has wings and a tail! But I would minimize the really stick-out pieces or else the cozy becomes strange to grip! Coffee cup cozies are a fun way to use up your scrap yarn, too!
