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Copic Multiliners And Portrait

Adding details with Copic Multilines adds to portraits • Posted by Michelle H.

Sometimes there are very small details on a portrait that are a little too hard to get into with your Copic Marker. One option is adding Copic Multilines to deepen those details and help the veiwer read the image as you would like.

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Medium 2019 04 11 030907 blog%2bml%2blavender%2b1 Medium 2019 04 11 030914 blog%2bml%2blavender%2b2


Sometimes there are very small details on a portrait that are a little too hard to get into with your Copic Marker. One option is adding Copic Multilines to deepen those details and help the veiwer read the image as you would like.


  1. Watch the video tutorial.