Based on Collage Handbag by CYDNEY W.
I made mine using a hand done abstract design on the inside with red lipstick kisses and other inspiration related to "the rocky horror picture show." the outsides are done in collages made from old posters and advertisement for the show. u combined picturies with words and characters names. i used velcro for the closure and red glitter in between the plastic and the collage.
i now have a perfect little bag for me and a friend to use for a "rocky horror picture show" night.
Gertie entered her project Collage Handbag to Projecteo Contest 15 Jun 20:54
Gertie entered her project Collage Handbag to Ladytron Contest 05 Mar 04:54
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Gertie posted this project as a creation without steps
Here are some similar tutorials to help you make this one!
Such a great idea for that, since people are usually too naked to have pockets. XD ...might have to make a RHPS one now.