Cut Out + Keep

Carve Your Own Stamps

custom stamps • Posted by Tinker-Tinka

As I wanted to have a few nice stamps for other craft projects but didn't find any nice affordable ones, I decided to try out carving some on my own. Have fun with this litte tutorial. // Tinker-Tinka //

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Project Budget


1 h 30


Medium stamps01 1243186164


As I wanted to have a few nice stamps for other craft projects but didn't find any nice affordable ones, I decided to try out carving some on my own. Have fun with this litte tutorial. // Tinker-Tinka //


  1. Small img 2416 1243186518

    First print out or draw a template for your stamp. Take care it's not too filegree.

  2. Small img 2447 1243187605

    You need some carving tools. I got mine for about 2€. Most important are a v- carving tool and one or two half-round shaped ones. [edit] Even better are linocut tools. Those are pretty sharp and you get to carve more detailled.

  3. Small stamp2 1243186888

    Cut out the template.

  4. Small stamp03 1243187030

    Place the template on the eraser, fix it and draw around it.

  5. Small stamp04 1243187166

    Now you see what you have to carve out. (We're gonna make a positive stamp here, so we carve the black part. If you want a negative stamp just place the template on the eraser centred and then carve out the white part.)

  6. Small img 2424 1243187383

    Cut the eraser into the right size.

  7. Small img 2426 1243187500

    Start carving carefully with the v- carving tool on the outlines of the template.

  8. Small img 2431 1243187871

    Go on carving, still be careful...

  9. Small img 2432 1243187936

    When you are done with the outlines carve out the rest.

  10. Small img 2436 1243188152

    Let's test the stamp to see if it needs more accurate carving.

  11. Small img 2437 1243188356

    Well, yes, it still needs more attention.

  12. Small img 2440 1243188688

    Test and go on carving until it's like you want to have it. Take care there's nothing under the paper where you test the stamp, otherwise it looks as busted as my #2. The End :)