Cut Out + Keep

Canvas Silhouettes

Custom Silhouette Canvases • Posted by christinabw

This is a great project to do for an affordable custom piece of artwork. I love to do this project each year so I can see how my kids have changed. The current silhouettes hang in our living room and make wonderful conversation pieces. You can use the technique below to create any image. Imagine the possibilities: silhouettes of your pets, favorite quotes, etc. They also make wonderful gifts!

You will need

Project Budget
Reasonably Priced


2 h 00


Medium img 5302 Medium img 5316


This is a great project to do for an affordable custom piece of artwork. I love to do this project each year so I can see how my kids have changed. The current silhouettes hang in our living room and make wonderful conversation pieces. You can use the technique below to create any image. Imagine the possibilities: silhouettes of your pets, favorite quotes, etc. They also make wonderful gifts!


  1. Small silhouettes2

    Paint the canvas. This is the color that you want the actual silhouette to be. (I used white). Some people skip this step since the canvas is white…but I like to paint it so the whole thing has the same sheen. Let it dry thoroughly (I recommend overnight).

  2. Small silhouettes3

    Take a photo of your subject. Scale it to size on your computer and print it out on regular paper. Trace around the outline of the silhouette and cut it out. This will be used as your "template" in the next step.

  3. Small img 5255

    Flip you "template" over and trace around it again on the back-side of a sheet of adhesive vinyl. You can use any color of vinyl sheet.

  4. Small img 5258

    Cut the silhouette out of the vinyl. Tiny scissors are best for fine details.

  5. Peel the backing off of the vinyl and stick it the dried canvas. Make sure the edges of the vinyl are stuck down nice and tight so the paint won't seep under it.

  6. Paint over the entire canvas with the second color. I usually paint two coats and let it dry between coats.

  7. Small img 5320

    When the paint is dry, peel the vinyl off the canvas and enjoy your new custom artwork!